Welcome to the Woodvale Primary School community. Our staff value strong relationships with parents and we aim to work in partnership with you to support our students to become independent and successful learners.
There are many opportunities for parents and caregivers to become involved with our school. The wonderful P&C welcome volunteers to assist with the delivery of many events and services which benefit our school community. Parents are invited to assist in classrooms and on excursions, and Friday morning fitness is open to all.
Our fortnightly assemblies provide an opportunity to showcase the achievements of the presenting class, and to recognise individual progress and excellence through the presentation of merit certificates. Parents are always welcome to attend these enteraining events.
Learning journey is an annual celebration of student learning, held in term three each year, and in 2023 we are finishing the year with a Book Awards assembly to recognise academic improvement and achievement, and the demonstration of our school values.
Special days are celebrated throughout the year, and include the welcome back BBQ, Harmony Day picnic, ANZAC service, sporting events, athletics carnivals, the Carols Concert and Kindergarten and Year 6 Graduation ceremonies.
If you have a skillset or talent that may assist our school, please let us know if you are eager to share your knowledge.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our many events very soon!